
So, do tell; what kind of music would you like to see here in future?  What genres or styles, musicians or subject focuses would you like to have covered here at Eclecitca?  Oh!  And how often would you like episodes?  How long would you like each ep to be?  (I.e., how many songs would you like in each show?)  Let me here from you, so I can plot out what the revivified Eclectica might be!

Love & Light,
DJ Selchie

New Blooper, Anyone?

Not only does this illustrate what a goof I can be (especially when tired ;)), hopefully it also hints at what miiiight be coming in future. ;)

Hope you enjoy!
DJ Selchie

Could Something Wicked This Way Come..?

*poke*  Is it dead..?

Hmmm... I dunnooo... Keep your eyes & ears peeled! ;D
(But please, not literally.. 'cause.. well.. EW! ;D)

DJ Selchie